29 Mar 2018
Steampunk rifle - Fully functional! You've GOT to see this!!
In General
Mark finishes his latest AR-15 rifle build. Inspired by the Steampunk art movement, this firearm not only looks cool, it is 100% functional.
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The objective of is to guide the character safely through each level by jumping, running, and maneuvering to avoid obstacles such as gaps, pits, and rotating platforms.
awesome, powerful guns so I can blow up everything in
Adherence to safety protocols, local laws, and proper maintenance is crucial. Mark's creation showcases how art and function can merge, resulting in a striking and distinctive piece. As long as he respects the firearm's nature and follows safety guidelines, he can appreciate the Steampunk AR-15 both as an artistic achievement and a functional tool. Like what on this game
Mark has finished building a fully functional AR-15 rifle inspired by the Steampunk art movement. The firearm boasts a unique, Victorian-era aesthetic, incorporating industrial elements and steam-powered design. While visually captivating, it is essential to remember that the AR-15 is a firearm and must be handled responsibly. Look it up here
My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour…..>
I created custom steampunked MP5 fully functional rifle for a customer now living in Florida. Can’t figure out how to attach a photo.
Holy bat balls batman!!! Captain Spaulding is back!!
Wow, I really dig this! So creative... I absolutely LOVE how you can actually see the trigger group moving behind the clock wheels! If you wanted to keep going, I had the thought that you could etch something like "Time Traveler" or "Back to the Future" on the inside of the dust cover. Also, you could inlay faux gemstones in the cutouts on the trigger guard. (BTW, this is my first comment on this site. I'm new here.)
"Why? Steampunk!"
Well done! cool !
Dude that looks so sick
That rifle design would be great for the hero of a steampunk movie!
I'm Not Letting My wife see this, She will want something I don't want to Pay for! lol.
That looks amazing!
Pretty cool!
That is totally awesome !!!!
Not how I would have done the brass / copper accents, I have used tumbling media with ground up spent range brass even 22 to good effect to achieve the results on anything that can be blued. From there for the more blackened look a bit of cold blue over the top and the brass blues to dark dark black.