Scooter's Brass is a page dedicated to the sport of shooting, specifically the misadventures of Scooter as he participates in shooting matches in Arizona. Scooter currently participates in 2-Gun, 3-Gun, PCC and Tactical Shotgun, Rifle matches, and the occasional Halloween shotgun match.

Multi Gun, often called 2-Gun or 3-Gun depending on the types of firearms used, are practical shooting events where each of the stages require the competitor to use and transition between a combination of rifles, handguns, and/ or shotguns[1] or other types of firearms. Multi-Gun has a lot in common with ordinary IPSC/ USPSA matches, and matches generally have courses of fire where the shooter must move through different stages and engage targets in a variety of different positions.

Multi-Gun in its oldest form is arranged by the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) as "Tournaments", but doesn't require the competitor to transition between firearms during the stage. Instead tournaments consists of separate matches for each firearm types with a combined scoring in the end.
Rio Salado Multigun June 2023
Scooter's Brass
123 Views · 1 year ago
Rio Salado Multigun March 2023
Scooter's Brass
123 Views · 1 year ago
Rio Salado SMM3G 2023
Scooter's Brass
145 Views · 1 year ago
Rio Salado Multigun May 2023
Scooter's Brass
143 Views · 1 year ago
Scooter at the Capitol Feb 18th 2023
Scooter's Brass
126 Views · 2 years ago
Rio Salado Multigun February 2023
Scooter's Brass
126 Views · 2 years ago
Rio Salado Multigun July 2022
Scooter's Brass
200 Views · 2 years ago
Rio Salado Multigun June 2022
Scooter's Brass
200 Views · 2 years ago
Scooter's Halloween Shotgun Match 2021
Scooter's Brass
238 Views · 2 years ago
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