Scooter's Brass
27 May 2023
Rio Salado SMM3G 2023
In General
Here is the video footage of my performance at the 2023 Superstition Mountain Mystery 3 Gun at Rio Salado Sportsman's Club.
It was definitely not my best match ever. I made a lot of mistakes: running past targets, forgetting targets, shooting No Shoot targets, and the rain on stages 6 to 11 was a deal breaker for my optics on long range targets. I ranked 276 out of 343 overall. I did best on Stage 8, where I was 141 out of 343 overall. I also had to do a reshoot on Stage 5, thanks to a mistake from the Range Officer (things like this do happen).
It was an honor to represent AJI Sporting Goods at the match, and an honor to be Range Officer on Stage 7 for the main match on Friday through Sunday.
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