GunFreedomRadio 06 Apr 2020

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Cheryl, Danny & Cassie Discuss Covid-19 #QuarantineLife at AZF GFR & POG

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Cheryl and Danny Todd and their daughter, Cassie Todd-Jameson discuss what #QuarantineLife caused by the Covid-19 situation looks like for AZFirearms, Gun Freedom Radio & Pot of Gold Auctions.
#1) Update on AZF / POG move & expansion

#2) Two businesses models - separate buildings. How are we handling the ever escalating Executive Orders?

#3) What do we say to people who think we are going to be “just fine” because of the “Relief Bill”?

#4) What are the long-range implications of this nationwide shutdown as we look forward into late 2020 and early 2021?

#5) What are the good things you have seen / experienced during this otherwise stressful time?

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