Jeremy Beaver
Jeremy Beaver 04 Nov 2018

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2018 New Jersey Steel Challenge Championship

In General

2018 NJ State Steel Championship: This was not how I wanted to finish the season. I was completely unprepared for this match. I did put up 1 personal best, so it wasn't a complete loss. I know how hard it is to put on a good match, but, in my opinion, this was not a good match. I do not feel it fair to go into details as I have not voiced my concerns to the Match Director. But I will say this: If you are an RO and a competitor requests you follow the rules... Don't get into a rules argument with them! While the RO's are there to keep everyone safe, they are also providing customer service so that competitors want to come back. Maybe this was a fluke since it was 5 months after when the match was supposed to happen, but as of right now I do not see myself ever going back. #nottheonlyonethatfeelsthisway

#LetFreedomRing #tandemkross #HuntersHDGold #tandemezed #theychangesoyoudonthaveto #victory #wontreturntoNJ

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