Rob Pincus
Rob Pincus 18 May 2024

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2024 NRA Member's Meeting Resolution Debate

In General

Rob Pincus spoke in opposition to a resolution to for the Membership to direct the Board to continue work to move the NRA to Texas.
While this idea may have merit in the long term, many member oppose the resolution because a move would be an expensive distraction from more pressing issues facing the organization.
During the debate that President Charles Cotton engaged in after Pincus' Statements, it was revealed that the Resolution had been authored by long time Board Member David Coy, and not the NRA Member who's name was on the resolution.

Ultimately, the resolution did not pass.

From Rob Pincus:

"The NRA Members' Meeting was more interesting than expected today.

The legacy leadership of the Wayne LaPierre Regime actually tried to spin the NY Verdicts as wins because it revealed that the NRA was a "victim""¦ and President Cotton stressed several times that the millions of dollars will be paid to the victimized NRA.

I felt it important to point out that he (and others) were conspicuously not mentioning that GUILTY party that victimized the NRA (members) was Wayne LaPierre 😂"¦ the man he and others in legacy leadership positions spent the last 5 Members' Meetings telling us was a paragon of virtue, above reproach and the most important man ever in regard to the fight to defend our 2A Rights. 🙄

Apparently, that irked President Cotton, because he then felt it necessary to debate me about some details of the resolution that was being discussed. Specifically he states that it was a member resolution, and the Board had nothing to do it. That didn't go well for him after I named the Board Member who actually wrote the resolution"¦ and that Board Member made his way to a microphone to admit it. 🤦🏻"♂️

The good news is that 4 Reformists will be joining the Board on Monday"¦ and MANY other Board Members may be inclined to wipe the slate clean and install a truly new batch of leaders for the org that can start a process of real reform and evolution that the NRA Needs."

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