.22 LR Bulk, Box & Match Ammunition Test - Match Ammo A Plus For Rifle & Pistol Competition
CloverTac Productions Original Content
Credit: Christopher Dover
[email protected]
In this video we test 10 different kinds of 22 LR ammo, including some match ammo. We put a couple of match grade flavors up against both box and bulk ammunition to see if the hype was indeed worth the price increase. The results are pretty impressive. The match ammo certainly does what is expected. We have shot many different types of ammunition over this years with our 4-H shooting sports group through many different types of rifles. So, this was no surprise to us and seems to be consistent across many different types of actions. It is worth noting that some semi automatic firearms do take issue with some match ammunition. To date we have not tested any of the high velocity match ammo offerings but those are supposed to alleviate that issue while still giving the performance of their subsonic counterparts.
Eley Match
Federal Gold Metal Match
Federal Champion
American Eagle
Federal Auto Match
CCI Standard Velocity
CCI Mini Mag
Remington Golden Bullet
Remington Yellow Jacket
Remington Thunder Bolt
CCI Velocitor
Winchester Super x
Eley Match Ammo
Federal Gold Medal Ultra Match Ammo