GorillasAndGuns 17 Feb 2019

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#2Astrong, Freedom is for all of U.S

In General

with all these laws dropping in a furious pace, all of us 2A supporters need to make our voices heard and be sure we are ALL doing our part before it turns into blood. history is repeating itself here and only a few of us are actually seeing it.

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Oddball 5 years ago

Every time you come across a liberal lefty idiot don't bother calling them an idiot,that does nothing.Instead be polite,act not necessarily friendly but non agressive and ask them the hard reality questions that they will have no answers for.Then point out,nicely,the flaws in their answers and express doubt about what they say.Maybe,just maybe,some of them will begin to think and come to the realization that what they have been spouting really is bullshit.

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