Gun_Sam 11 May 2018

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.380 Auto VS .38 Special in Pocket Guns Episode 7 - Why Pocket Carry?

In General

I am giving the reasons why a lot of people pocket carry, and giving my perspective and legitimate reasons and pros and cons for and against pocket carry.

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nef003 5 years ago

That was a very effective demonstration. Your previous video talked about accidental discharge and the dangers of pocket carry. How easy it was for a pocket gun to accidentally unload while sitting. Would a pocket holster with a band to prevent it from coming out of the holster do any justice? I know that it would slow things down if in need of a quick draw; but for someone like me who moves up and down often; may work. I was looking into IWB appendix carry; but seeing how easy it is for you to carry this one and so unnoticeable; its quite impressive. I have reconsidered my carry position after 5 years. I noticed that when bending forward; shirt rolls over and exposes the firearm. When I walk, I have the phantom tap to make sure its covered. All these things which are just wrong for successful conceal carry. I'll continue to learn from your videos. They are awesome.

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