Rogue Banshee
Rogue Banshee 30 Apr 2019

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80% Arms Easy Jig Gen 2 step by step AR 15 lower completion

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Our 80% Arms Easy Jig Gen 2 step by step AR 15 lower completion will show you how to use the Jig from 80% Arms to complete your lower.

There are multiple configurations to the 80% Arms Jig. This video features the AR15, however the process is similar for the 9mm and 308 versions.

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Video index:
What comes with the kit - 0:16
Assembling the jig around the lower - 1:07
Assembling the router - 3:57
Preparing the first hole - 5:31
Milling the lower - 6:30
Drilling the selector, trigger and hammer pin holes - 9:48
Removing the lower from the jig - 10:30
Does it work - 11:22

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