GunFreedomRadio 23 Sep 2020

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GunFreedomRadio EP255 Safety & Security in Today's World with Rick Vasquez

In General

Our guest today is Rick Vasquez. Rick is a United States Government Certified firearms classification expert who has represented the United States government as their firearms technical representative to other nations.
1) You have an impressive and lengthy biography. Can you walk us through some of the highlights both past and present?
2) What do you think of the unrest in our cities and what do you recommend citizens do to protect themselves/developing a security plan?
3) The status of gun ownership has certainly shifted significantly in just the past few months. What do you foresee will happen in the near future, federal laws, state laws?
4) With so many brand new gun owners, and even speaking to people who have always owned guns. What are the responsibilities of a gun owner and getting proper training?

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