GunFreedomRadio 08 Jul 2020

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GunFreedomRadio EP222 The Militia and the Constitution with Randy Miller

In General

Our guest today is Randy Miller. Randy is a Candidate for the Arizona House of Representatives in LD 21 and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Director in Arizona, and he teaches both the Arizona and US Constitutions.
1) We are in the midst of a fresh “spike” in cases of the Covid virus here in AZ. We have a state-wide “mandate” to wear masks in public, while it is 110 degrees outside (by the way). What are the Constitutional implications of the current crisis and the “mandates”?
(Does AZ Governor Ducey have the authority to make executive orders? Can he order people in their homes, close businesses, put a curfew on society?)
2) Our US Bill of Rights mentions a word that has been the epicenter of much debate. That word is “militia”. Just what is the militia, and what does the constitution say about it?
3) Tell us about your campaign for the Arizona House of Representatives in LD 21, as we ramp up to a big statewide and nationwide election – what is happening in AZ that also relates to other states across the nation?
4) What is the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Director in Arizona and what position are you campaigning for?

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