GunFreedomRadio EP344 Protect Your Local Range with Brian Hill
Our guest today is Brian Hill. Brian is owner and head instructor of The Complete Combatant in Dahlonega, GA. He is a Heckler & Koch (HK) Brand Ambassador, a Rangemaster Certified Master Instructor, and a Certified Red Dot Instructor and an Endorsed Instructor with Modern Samurai Project. Brian holds a Force Science Analyst Certification and is also certified by Massad Ayoob Group as a Deadly Force Instructor
Brian is a 4th degree Black belt in Jiu Jitsu, has graduated from The Law Of Self Defense Instructor program and is a form deputy with the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department.
1) The shooting sports are an integral part of Americana, but unfortunately many of our live-fire ranges are under pressure to close. Your small private outdoor range is nestled in a hill, in the middle of 48 acres, and even it is facing a similar crisis. Talk to us about what is happening.
2) What does it boil down to? Is this a 2nd Amendment issue, a Special Land Usage Zoning, or a Noise Ordinance issue?
3) How helpful would it be to you and your neighbors if we had passed the Hearing Protection Act to make suppressors more practical to own?
4) If you could tell the neighbors ONE THING THAT MAY CHANGE THEIR MIND, what would it be?
5) What is your greatest NEED currently? How can we help not just your small outdoor range, but other small outdoor ranges overcome similar issues?