GunFreedomRadio 19 Jul 2023

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GunFreedomRadio EP424 The Liberal Gun Club with Scott Prior

In General

Our guest today is Scott Prior. Scott Prior is a competitive shooter with a YouTube channel called Scooter’s Brass, and the current president of the Arizona Chapter of the Liberal Gun Club. Scott believes that the Constitution is not a partisan document and that every American deserves equal protections under the law.
He also believes that the ‘gun control’ crowd needs to start focusing on the causes of violence, instead of trying to manipulate and create gun laws that will be ineffective against gun violence.
1) How do we bridge the gap between left and right 2A supporters?
2) In pop culture (films, music videos, TV Shows) guns are often grievously mishandled, setting a terrible example for inexperienced and untrained people to follow. You have mentioned that there are ways to broadcast positive gun events on TV and social media platforms. Talk so us about that.

3) Violence has been with us since the dawn of Man. If there is a true solution to violence, it isn’t to make one person less able to protect him or herself. But, what can we do to examine the root causes – the why of gun violence, not the tool of gun violence?

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