GunFreedomRadio 18 Sep 2020

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GunFreedomRadio EP253 Training Thousands to Save One Life with Rick Ector

In General

Our guest today is Rick Ector. Rick is a Civil Rights Advocate – Keynote Speaker – Expert Witness – Freelance Writer and Firearm Instructor.
Rick is a NRA credentialed Firearms Trainer based in Detroit, Michigan. In addition to empowering citizens how to assume a greater role in their own safety, he also provides several community events throughout the year. His biggest event is the “FREE Shooting Event For Ladies” in which he trained nearly 2,000 women over one weekend in August!
1) What an amazing accomplishment! Do you see the success of this event as impacted by the fact that there are millions of new first time gun owners?
2) The theme for this show is “Training Thousands to Save One Life.” This is because of a story I heard you tell about a woman who was murdered in your neigborhood years ago. And you were driven to help each woman you train to NOT meet a similar fate. In one weekend you positively impacted 2000 lives. What else do you have on your Bucket List for the near future?

3) As someone who is training people and educating them to be self-reliant and safe, you are doing some of the most important work possible to preserve our 2A Rights? Do you see yourself as an Advocate?
4) In life, some of our biggest successes usually balance on one or two small moments that stay with us and drive us forward to the next challenge. Can you tell us about one of those moments?
5) Someone somewhere is listening right now and trying to decide if training is right for them. What one thing can you say to him or her to help make that decision easier?

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Thor Kill
Thor Kill 4 years ago

Freedom cannot be had with armed trolls

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