GunFreedomRadio 08 Jun 2020

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GunFreedomRadio EP209 The Bible and Self-Defense with Greg Hopkins

In General

Our guest today is Greg Hopkins. Greg is the author of “A Time To Kill: The Bible and Self-Defense”, in which he explains that the Bible commands Christians to be good stewards, prepared to protect self and the innocent from hostile attack.

He is a defense attorney, prosecutor, and former judge, as well as a practicing weapons instructor, expert witness, and Bible teacher, Greg Hopkins is highly qualified to address these controversial topics.

1) God tells us in Scripture that life is precious, that our bodies are temples, and that we are to protect the persecuted. Talk so us about why so many Christians feel that self-defense is something we aren’t allowed by God to do? Where does the confusion come in?

2) The idea of having armed and trained security teams in churches in the US...the land of religious freedom from persecution...seems like something from a bygone era in the world. However, more and more religious organizations are training for safety within the walls of their churches, synagogues and mosques. Talk to us about this – is it a future-focused trend or simply a momentary reaction?

3) 260 million Christians are being actively persecuted worldwide. If we were to realign our mindset with preparedness and defense-training is it possible that the 2A Community could positively impact those numbers?

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