RogerRevo 03 Sep 2018

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Action side match 2018-09-02

In General

Shotgun side match 2018-09-02.

go to 0:19 to see Don shoot.
go to 1:07 to see Gen shoot.
go to 2:01 to see Terri shoot.
go to 3:44 to see Joe shoot.
go to 4:33 to see Roger Pump shoot.
go to 5:36 to see Mark shoot.
go to 6:39 to see Wade shoot.
go to 8:03 to see Seth shoot.
go to 9:05 to see Roger Auto shoot.
go to 10:10 to see Adam shoot.
go to 10:53 to see Terri shoot the second time.

Shooter Points Time Hit Factor

Adam Auto 90 25.41 3.5419
Gen Auto 90 36.75 2.4490
Don Auto 90 37.90 2.3747
Joe Auto 90 37.98 2.3697
Roger Auto 90 44.47 2.0238
Mark Auto 90 49.07 1.8341
Roger Pump 90 49.54 1.8167
Seth Auto 90 49.85 1.8054
Terri Auto 2nd 90 60.10 1.4975
Terri Auto 90 68.98 1.3047
Wade 90 73.38 1.2265

Having fun with reloading, bullet casting, and shooting.
A family channel.
Please view my playlists.

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