NOCFirearmsChannel 01 Nov 2018

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All Blacks Look Alike - Hillary's Truth

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Identity Politics is a dangerous game. I normally steer clear of heavy political content and this video is no different. This isn't about political stance or party affiliation; this is about an evil, inhumane, disrespectful, narcissistic, vile, deceitful person. Hillary Clinton never fails to show her true colors; however, certain portions of society choose to ignore it.

Nothing about this person says "leader" and everything about her says "tyrant". She has no qualms insulting and using people as she sees fit. In the 90s we were "super predators", then we all like hot sauce, and now we all look alike. This coming from a woman who helped implement laws that would have a direct targeted impact on poor urban communities by imposing laws that would see thousands of Black men arrested and leaving their families with financial and emotional support. Hillary and her cronies respond by supplying welfare subsidies to our women to "soften" the financial blow, but offered no emotional and general growth support to the single women and children. When the children strayed and did the slightest thing wrong....BAM, they are now in the system and the mothers are given more financial benefits to have more children. The children, turned adults, feed the prison complex, and Hillary gets to sooth the community by saying she is with you. This, and much more, allow for people like her to position themselves to drain the community of the one resource she truly needs......VOTES.

Once again, I'm not arguing politics, but this Margaret Sanger supporter needs to be called out. Oh, who is Margaret Sanger? She is the founder of Planned Parenthood that said "colored people are like weeds and need to be exterminated", and Planned Parenthood does a great job of that. Hillary said of Margaret "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, tenacity, her vision"

Support this woman at your own peril. I wont be submitting my support, guns, or vote to her or her supporters.

#noc #kdofnoc #idontdopolitics #clintons #hillary #allblackslookalike #margaretsanger #hertruth

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