TexasDixie 03 Jan 2019

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AR-15 - Detailed Step By Step Assembly / Build Instructions (HD)

In General

The AR-15 is the most common rifle in the U.S.A. It is a semi-automatic rifle modeled after the military's automatic M16. The rifle is modular and can be customized with many different accessories. In this video, I discuss the full assembly of an AR-15 from individual parts.

1-1 Magazine Catch [01:30]

1-2 Bolt Catch [03:10]

1-3 Pivot Pin [05:27]

1-4 Safety Selector and Pistol Grip [07:12]

1-5 Trigger and Hammer [09:09]

1-6 Trigger Guard [14:14]

1-7 Buffer Tube and Take Down Pin [16:51]

1-8 Lubrication and Testing [22:24]

2-1 Ejection Port Cover [24:05]

2-2 Forward Assist [26:04]

2-3 Barrel, Gas Block, and Handguard [27:54]

2-4 Flash Suppressor [40:49]

2-5 Bolt Carrier Group [42:10]

2-6 Charging Handle [50:50]

2-7 Lubrication and Testing [52:40]

2-8 Headspace Check [55:35]

3 Live Fire Testing [01:01:57]

Here is a list of everything you need to build an AR-15

1. Vise
2. AR-15 Lower Receiver Vise Block
3. Small Hammer
4. Set of Roll Pin Punches
5. Screwdriver
6. AR-15 Barrel Wrench
7. Set of Allen Wrenches (ie Hex Wrenches)
8. Gun Oil
9. Pivot Pin Installation Tool
10. Torque Wrench
11. Razor Blade
12. AR-15 Upper Receiver Vise Block
13. Snap Ring Pliers (Not covered in video. Only needed for certain types of handguards.)
14. 5.56 NATO / .223 Headspace Gauge
15. Clamp or Vise with rubber guards (for headspace checking)

Optional Tools (not required, but they make the job easier):
16. Drill (if you desire to dimple barrel)
17. Blue Loctite
18. Dummy Cartridge
19. Brush and Rag for Cleaning
20. Needle Nose Pliers
21. Empty 5.56/.223 Shell Casing
22. Torque Screwdriver
23. Air Compressor
24. Pencil
25. Center Punch (if you desire to dimple castle nut)
26. Tape
27. Wood Block
28. Rubber Mallet

1. Stripped Lower Receiver
a. Purchase from Gun Store or FFL
b. Depending on state laws, purchase from a private seller.
c. Make your own. (Using a drill press, 3D printer, milling machine, etc.)
2. Lower Parts Kit
a. Includes: Magazine Catch Button, Magazine Catch, Magazine Catch Spring, Bolt Catch, Bolt Catch Plunger, Bolt Catch Roll Pin, Bolt Catch Spring, Pivot Pin, Detent x 2, Detent Spring x2, Takedown Pin, Safety Selector, Selector Detent, Selector Spring, Trigger Guard, Roll Pin, Buffer Catch, Buffer Catch Spring
b. Some LPKs do not include a trigger group
i. Trigger, Trigger Spring, Hammer, Hammer Spring, Disconnector, Disconnector Spring, Hammer and Trigger Pins
c. Some LPKs do not include a pistol grip
i. Pistol Grip, Grip Screw
3. Trigger/Hammer Group (if not included in LPK)
4. Pistol Grip (if not included in LPK)
5. Buffer Tube Kit
a. Buffer Tube
i. If making an AR-15 Pistol, use a pistol tube instead.
b. Nut
c. Buffer Spring
d. Receiver end plate
e. Castle Nut
f. Buffer
i. Various Weights: H1, H2, or H3
6. Buttstock
a. Illegal on an AR-15 Pistol (must use pistol tube)
7. Barrel and Barrel Nut
8. Handguard
a. Sometimes includes a special barrel nut.
9. Gas Block Kit
a. Gas Tube
b. Gas Block
c. Gas Tube Pin
10. Flash Hider/Muzzle Brake and Crush Washer
11. Stripped Upper Receiver
12. Ejection Port Cover Kit
a. Ejection Port Cover
b. Hinge Pin
c. Hinge Pin Snap
d. Hinge Spring
13. Forward Assist Kit
a. Forward Assist (with pre installs Pawl)
b. Forward Assist Retainer Pin
c. Forward Assist Spring
14. Bolt Carrier Group
a. Bolt
i. Extractor Pin, Extractor with Spring, and Bolt
b. Carrier
i. Carrier, Cam Pin, and Retaining Pin
c. Firing pin
15. Charging Handle
a. with spring, latch, and roll pin if purchased separately.
16. Magazines
a. Variety of sizes: 10, 20, 30, etc...
17. Sights/Optics

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horridhagrid 3 years ago

@TexasDixie: Are you the original poster of this video? If so, would you mind if I cross-post the video across some other streaming sites? Given that the video was removed from YouTube, it might make sense to distribute this content across multiple platforms so that it cannot be lost.

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Marine05 3 years ago

Great video very informative helped me a lot!!!

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PapaRay 3 years ago

Absolutely the best video on the AR15!

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Yama128 4 years ago

Best assembly video out there. Thanks for sharing!

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Wojo58 4 years ago

Best ar15 build video, period. Well done. Reference material for me (NEWBIE)

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Mustang71 5 years ago

Man this is the best video ever, can't believe you tube deleted it. So glad to have found it. Anyone know how to download a copy?

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horridhagrid 3 years ago

Download "youtube-dl" and feed it the URL from the "Embed" button

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jds6s4 5 years ago

I downloaded it, so I'll never lose it .

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Usnot 5 years ago


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horridhagrid 3 years ago

@Usnot: In case you are still looking for an answer--there is a software tool called "youtube-dl" which may be used for this purpose.

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Todd0825 5 years ago

Please dont ever remove this video. Dam YouTube!!

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Kman317 5 years ago

Oh same! I’m so glad I did a little searching and found it here

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rooftop_korean 5 years ago

Here from youtube. Stupid ass youtube removed this video from their website.

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