Rogue Banshee
Rogue Banshee 04 Dec 2018

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AR 15 lower receiver assembly

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Our AR 15 lower receiver assembly video will show you how to assemble your AR 15 from its individual components. This is a follow-on video to our AR 15 lower disassembly video.

This video features an AR 15 Rifle, however, the same procedures will work with an AR 10 with the exception of the bolt release which is a screw on an AR 10 where it is a roll pin on an AR 15.

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Video index:
Installing the bolt catch - 0:34
Installing the trigger guard - 2:57
Installing the rear takedown pin - 4:08
Assembling the collapsible stock - 5:35
Installing a collapsible stock - 7:08
Installing an A2 stock - 10:13
Installing the front takedown pin - 12:18
Installing the magazine catch - 13:45
Installing the trigger spring - 15:15
Installing the trigger - 16:21
Installing the selector and pistol grip - 18:05
Installing the hammer spring - 20:03
Installing the hammer - 20:29
Installing the buffer and buffer tube - 22:11
Does it work? - 22:56

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4runner 3 years ago

Thank You!

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Roosted Remains
Roosted Remains 6 years ago

Great video, Thank you this will be very helpful. You did a much better job than the most popular AR lower assembly video on this platform. New sub here and keep up the good work

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Rogue Banshee
Rogue Banshee 6 years ago

Thanks @Roosted Films! I appreciate the comment and thank you for viewing and subscribing! Make sure you check out our other videos! We are working on the upper disassembly and assembly videos now.

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