NicTaylor00 10 May 2019

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AR15 / AR10 BullMoose Skeletonized Flat Trigger

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All you need is a punch or hex wrench small enough in diameter to push out the hammer and trigger pins located in your AR15 lower. Once you push out the hammer pin, the hammer and spring can be removed from the lower. Take note of the orientation of the spring as it sits on the hammer so that you can install the new spring in the same position. Simply pull the spring off the hammer by grabbing one of the coils and pull. Install the NicTaylor00 Reduced Power Hammer Spring onto the hammer and set it aside.

Remove the selector by loosening or removing the grip screw. This will lessen the tension on the selector detent spring and allow the selector to be removed. Push out the trigger pin and lift out the trigger and trigger spring from the lower. Take note of the trigger spring and install the NicTaylor00 Reduced Power Trigger Spring onto the Bull Moose Tactical Skeletonized trigger in the same orientation. Reinsert the trigger / spring and disconnector into the lower and install the trigger pin. Next reinsert the selector making sure the detent is in place, then tighten the grip screw.

Reinsert the hammer/spring into the lower while pushing the hammer pin back into place through the lower. Be careful not to force the pin as you attempt to push it through the lower. Remember the lower is aluminum and the pin is steel, so forcibly hitting the pin or pushing harshly it may cause damage to your lower if all is not lined up perfectly.

Music by TeknoAXE, "Cover Blown"

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Charlesgilbert 5 years ago

You saved my a#$ on a few 1911 builds as well ,so thanks.

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Charlesgilbert 5 years ago

Wished i had known about this site earlier ,which i knew to drop the grip to take out the selector ,I just thought I had to mill it to get it in as with wilson combat stuff,it works good so far but i was in a hurry ,a friend was on his way to pick up a aero percision build I finished for long story short i milled the hell out the rear of the trig but I angled it as shouldnt hurt it.

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NoTimeForThat 6 years ago

Hey man just came to say thanks for the video on clearing fat rounds stuck in your glock! Couldnt comment on yt, so subscribed here.

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gunnwild1 6 years ago

I would like to buy this trigger and the black California base pads for the GSG 1911-22, but the black is out of stock. Do you know when you will have them back in stock? I need 5 of them

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