VarminterMagazine 13 Nov 2018

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Armscor 22 Magnum Ammunition Review and Hunt Report

In General

Through-out the recent shortage, the one brand of .22 magnum ammo that was consistently available was the Armscor .22 magnum, loaded with a 40 grain jacketed hollow point bullet. In order to complete a review and hunt report on the Armscor .22 magnum rimfire ammunition, I purchased a brick and shot it exclusively out of my Browning A-Bolt .22 magnum rifle. After some range time, I took this rifle up to Northern California to shoot Belding's Ground Squirrels, so we got first hand results on how this ammunition performs in the field on varmints. These are our results!

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Tom Bertone - Videographer

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Varminter Magazine is an online magazine that focuses on educating viewers about hunting and the tools we use in the field and at the range. If legal hunting activities and/or firearms in general offends you, then please do not watch our videos. Varminter Magazine does not sell firearms, firearm parts, or ammunition.

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