LoadsOfBacon 29 Oct 2019

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Assembling Two Lowers - AR-15 and Foxtrot Mike Products FM-45

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Assembling two AR pistol lowers. One of the lowers is the Foxtrot Mike Products .45 ACP FM-45 lower receiver, and the other is a "standard" AR-15 lower receiver I picked up from Palmetto State Armory.

FoxTrot Mike Products for sale at Brownells:
(affiliate link)

FoxTrot Mike Products for sale at Optics Planet:
(affiliate link)

FoxTrot Mike Products for sale at Primary Arms:

Palmetto State Armory lower build kits and parts kits:
(affiliate link)

"Freedom to Assemble" and other shirts:

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dholling1 5 years ago

I use the KNIPEX Tools 86 05 250 10-Inch Pliers Wrench with Comfort Grip (available on Amazon) or a taped up vise for the roll pins. The pliers are a tad expensive but worth it if you build a lot of lowers (I got them after my 5th because apparently I have a low tolerance of pin pushing frustration and had too much money at the time. Or was drunk).

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RobertM 5 years ago

Love the title of your video. We need more of that.

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RobertM 5 years ago

It said, "Freedom to Assemble."

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LoadsOfBacon 5 years ago

@RobertM: I made t-shirts that say "Freedom to Assemble" and have pictures of lower parts kits, and also shirts that say "Freedom of the Press" and have pictures of reloading presses. It's kind of funny until you realize just how serious it really is. Thanks for watching!

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RobertM 5 years ago

@LoadsOfBacon: Yeah. I hear ya. I can't do any actual reloading videos on TyrantTube and assembly is also verboten.

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