RobertM 09 May 2019

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Astra A-100 9mm Tabletop Review

In General

Shooting. As I said in the video I normally don't do gun reviews. This is very much an on the fly unscripted ad lib review. In other words its not polished or extensively edited. So lots of ums and uhs stumbling to think where I was going with it and the points I wanted to get in about it. Also talking above an AC unit that had kicked in as this was an outdoor tabletop. This is not a gun channel but a bushcraft channel however guns play a role in hunting and defense. In this case I was asked to review my old carry pistol from a subscriber called switchpod on There are not many if any reviews of Astra guns on the web. The Spanish gun company went out of business in 1997 and merged with Star. The A-100 was produced from 1990-2006. Similar to the Sig P-226 although some think the P-228 however due to the front of the slide being shorter on the P-228 than the P-226, I differ on that point. The barrel is 3.7 inches and it does have the Browning style linkless locking. Other noted changes from the Sig P226 is the take down lever is on the right side rather than on the left side with the decocker and slide catch. The outer chamber of the barrel is rounded rather than square. As you can see from the video the pistol will fire with the mag removed so there is no mag disconnect safety. None of the parts including the mags are interchangeable as far as I know. As noted on the slide lettering this pistol was distributed by EAA or European American Armory. It cost me $350 brand new back in the 90s.

Maybe I will do a shooting video of the A-100 sometime later.

Music: Pink Flamenco - Doug Maxwell, YouTube Free Audio Library

Please shoot safely and remember the four rules of gun safety.

1. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded.
2. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
3. Finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
4. Know your target and beyond.

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 6 years ago

Very nice. It’s like the Sig P226 huh? Starting to like Sig more and more. It a shame they went out of business. Looks good.

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RobertM 6 years ago

Some folks say the A-100 is like a Sig P228 but the P228 has a short slide and the A-100 does not even though they are both proably about the same size. To me its more like a P226. Yes Astra made some good pistols and not just this one. I could not afford a P226 back then but I could afford this pistol that is very similar to it and was half the price. Thanks for the comment and for watching.

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RobertM 6 years ago

@RobertM: Astra went out of business because of the Clinton gun ban that ruined gun imports and gun mag sales in the US. So they merged with Star.

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 6 years ago

Then Star went out. Sa

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 6 years ago

Shame as Star made good firearms as well. I have a BM and love it.

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RobertM 6 years ago

@NC Gun Guy : Yep. Then Star went out also later on.

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RobertM 6 years ago

If I were to go back and still be able to effectively shoot combat (tactical) pistol matches from what I know now and is available now, I would probably get a Sig P226 and turn it into a minor class race gun. Although a CZ75 would not be a bad minor class option either. Also get another 1911A1 and turn it into a major class race gun. I had two 1911s back then for major class matches. For minor class matches I was shooting Taurus PT92AF and Beretta 92.

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switchpod 6 years ago

Good video and thank you for the shout out!

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RobertM 6 years ago

Thanks guy. I appreciate it. No problem on the shout out. You wanted this review so this is all your fault. Haha.

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