switchpod 17 Dec 2019

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ATN ThOR LT 4-8 Thermal scope review and test.

In General

I have owned and used ATN night vision scopes and now I was given the opportunity to review their ThOR LT 4-8 Thermal scope. I wanted to put it through some of the environments that it may encounter in my area. I am Honestly very happy to say that it passed with flying colors!

https://www.atncorp.com/ -ATN web sight.

http://www.avantlink.com/click.php?tt=cl&merchant_id=2fdc2fc3-43c2-4b53-a3ad-f8f462d9e46d&website_id=06458bb1-7e38-4aad-bf81-d3c1e35328a4&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.atncorp.com%2Fthermal-scope-thor-hd -purchase link.

https://forum.full30.com/ The FULL30 forum !!!!!!!

Band: Echo Effect

Album: Where angles learn to fly

Song: Only in the movies

Label: P.U.R.E. Pacific underground records and entertainment, Minneapolis, MN

Rights of use through Eric Huard Bass/Vocals

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Oltexboots 5 years ago

Update your review of the atn thor4 LT please...do you still like this optic? I'm color blind and most my shots are less than 200yards. Would recommend it today for a 45-70 Taylor and sons hog stomper? I'm seriously considering this optic...but a lot of bad publicity about it

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switchpod 5 years ago

Unfortunately the optic has been returned at this time. for the money I haven't seen a better thermal scope on the market yet. You can change the contrast so being color blind i feel that you would still be able to see the heat signature. i would recommend keeping the auto nuke function on.

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RobertM 5 years ago

If I had your money I could get one of those. Haha. $2000-$3000 digital thermal scope. Oh, its a loaner from an ATN dealer. Wow. $1300 is the lowest I have ever heard for an ATN Thor. As much as you pay for it, it should have a lifetime warranty. Cool or I should say freezing video. Thanks for sharing.

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switchpod 5 years ago

HA! yeah they are pretty expensive. Thank you Robert! It was very cold that day.

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