azfirearms 22 Mar 2017

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AZFirearms Range Day 2017 - Part 1

In General

We had the honor of taking a group of people out to the range for a "Fun Shoot"! Guests included a combination of brand new to semi-experienced shooters who all had an opportunity to try out everything from .22 caliber all the way up to full-automatic vintage military firearms and even the WWII Howitzer cannon (which has appeared in the Batman v Superman movie) - all under the guidance of host of volunteer Range Safety Officers. A great time was had by all, memories for a lifetime were made, and new friendships were forged. AND...all of the fun was captured on this sizzle-reel by our friend Scott Johnson, inventor of TactiCatch and professional photographer and owner of Victory Fotos! #AZFRangeDay2017 #AZFirearms

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