11C1P -  High Angle Hell!

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Bear Creek Arsenal Veterans Day 2018 Free Barrel Give-Away!

In General

BCA gave away free barrels ($10.25 for S&H) to veterans this November. Check them out & set up an account so you'll be ready ahead of time!


If you wish to contribute go to http://www.paypal.me/11C1P

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 5 years ago

Veterans Day 2018 fro:the picture o;the video. So 13 months ago. I ordered a good amount of barrels from BCA in 2019 and they didn’t have a giveaway this year as I know of. They did do a reduced cost and free shipping this year for veterans day. If they are still doing a giveaway let me know where to sign up cause I’m on there mailing list and they have never told me it’s free, just pay shipping. Thank you for your service.

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 5 years ago

So did they do a giveaway this year. Don’t just dislike the comment, let me know why. So you you know was not being sarcastic on the thanks for the service comment. I truly meant that. I’ve been there as well.

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11C1P -  High Angle Hell!

@NC Gun Guy : Well I actually am NOT required to do that, but why did YOU dislike my video? Cause you are butt hurt at BCA not giving you a free barrel this year? That's some weak ass shit. They still gave vets a 35% discount!

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 5 years ago

I disliked it because in the in the description you say BCA gave away free barrels this November and they didn’t. That was in 2018 and it is almost 2020. I’m not butt hurt they didn’t give them away this year. Until your video I didn’t know they ever gave them away. I have no problem with BCA at all as I have bought 6 barrels from them this year and 4 of them were at the 35% off with free shipping as a Vet. So butt hurt? No, I’m actually grateful and a loyal customer. My first comment was asking questions and as I said not being sarcastic. Try not reading everything as sarcasm. If it makes you feel better be sure to go and give a dislike to a couple of my videos and give some shitty comments. Have a great day.

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11C1P -  High Angle Hell!

@NC Gun Guy : Apparently you can't read the title too well. It says 2018. This video was moved over from YT, which you obviously aren't aware are taking down most channels that have guns or just taking down multiple videos. This video was moved over here early in 2019, just a few weeks AFTER I got my barrel in Dec. 2018 & then made a video, so the video is about 1 year old exactly.

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 5 years ago

@11C1P - High Angle Hell!: My point exactly!

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