Enrique Sonora
Enrique Sonora 02 Jan 2019

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Blackhawk Tuckable Holster Review

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A review of the Blackhawk Tuckable conceal carry holster demonstrating its pros and cons. I specifically use a Kel-tec PF9 for daily use. The holster is made in Italy, made of a soft pliable suede brown leather with a rough outer and smooth inner. The J-clip is a unique design that can accommodate large and small belts. I discuss the competitors choices as Galco, The HolsterStore, DeSantis and Crossbreed. I give the Blackhawk holster a 7 out of 10 for function, quality and value. With a MRSP of 36.99 and there are even better prices online. This is an outstanding value for Kel-tec owners looking for a holster that will fit the popular PF9 pistol or any KAHR, Ruger, Glock or officers 1911. Thanks for watching please subscribe, rate or comment.
Music by Danosongs.com, "climb-to-elara."

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