Sootch00 23 Mar 2021

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davagolin 4 years ago

The problem is the 50 percent that listen to MSM, They are terrified of the so called virus, they are terrified of those nasty black guns...this emboldens these manic politicians. THESE WEAK MINDED MORONS ARE THE PROBLEM THAT HAS RUINED THE COUNTRY. They know we have the 2nd to protect ourselves from them, the government. stop making "no gun zones" & this would not happen. Gun control will make it a shooting gallery because ONLY CRIMINALS WILL HAVE GUNS...but the Government knows that and their security will protect them. screw the little people, as usual.

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davagolin 4 years ago

23march 2021. 10 people shot at a market in Colorado? so convenient that they CLAIM he is from Syria... really ??? bet... he is working for that small apartheid regime that we are not suppose to mention. like the 5 dancing fellows in front of the 9/11 horror, that got deported back to Israel. 2001 Both US Political parties foment division and want a civil war type violence...TRUMP and FIENSTEIN laid the groundwork to disarm the US. Now Israel selected biden,( mr brady bill) and harris is the anti gun queen who loves the Australian gun confiscation, LOL Buy back theft plan. trump laid the ground work to disarm America, while he lied that he would save the 2nd amendment. now harris and biden were selected to finish the job. President XI of China on the world stage called out North American gun violence, then Chabad Rabbi Cohen, after the 2nd amendment rally in 2019 against Governor Ralph " black face" Northam shouted that their Noahide laws would end American gun violence at the UN. Interestingly, The ADL Set up a command post at the governors fence at the Virginia Capital. Beware who you think is really America's ally. “I support abolishing self-defense. No one has the right to take responsibility for their own defense. That’s what the police are for. Everyone who is arming themselves for self-defense is wrong.” “I’m in favor of broad controls on guns. If I oppose individuals defending themselves, I have to support the police defending them. I have to support a police state. — Alan Dershowitz, In a speech to a Jewish audience at the Jewish Community Center of Creve Coeur.

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davagolin 4 years ago

great to see you here as many of us are not allowed on YT.....Thank you

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