76HighboyReloading 19 Jun 2016

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Coffee with Highboy, Video 54, vrich3733, Package Unboxing and Out of Coffee

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This video is for my good friend vrich3733. Rich, this video is for you. God bless and thanks for watching. Highboy
vrich37335 minutes ago
A Sig lol I wish I could send you a sig! My crappie state of nj would lock me up and throw away the key lol, but from one gun/coffee nut to another enjoy. IMO the Death wish is power and the Valhalla is flavor. I love'em. It's only a small Thank you for the huge effort you put into your videos. The time you spend helping is greatly appreciated. Enjoy brother and THANK YOU.
76Highboy Reloading (Highboy Reloading)1 second ago
Hey, no Sig is just fine my friend. The coffee was such a nice gift and I would not change a thing. Highboy

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