Milsurp_Garage 18 Jan 2020

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Colt Army Special

In General

Sponsored by who made the centerfire brass snap caps featured in my videos. Use promo code milsurpgarage at checkout for 10% off and free shipping. Enjoy!

Here we have a Colt Army Special vintage 1918 and a Colt Officers Model vintage 1926, both chambered in .38 Special. These are both very accurate and pleasant to shoot.

The clockwise rotation of the cylinder is interesting and using snap caps from to examine and test the timing is a way to enlighten yourself on revolver function.....especially checking out the differences in design and function to different designs namely the Smith & Wesson design or the Colt Model 1892, its predecessor. This basic design seen here lasted for MANY years.

You can see in the range test firing portion of the video the Officers Model has much less fiery blast escaping out the sides of the cylinder during firing, a true test to it's tighter construction and it IS a bit younger and I'm sure that matters a bit.

I will post a follow up video to better demonstrate how to use a light source to sight down the bore of a revolver to test visually check its timing.....needed three hands here and failed miserably. It's a helpful technique which needs to be shown in its own video.

The SNAP CAPS used in this video were purchased from and are of the finest quality and construction and are MADE IN USA with American made materials and equipment. Use discount code MILSURPGARAGE for 10% off any of the numerous pistol and rifle calibers on the website and also receive FREE SHIPPING! These are a priceless tool for function testing or tactical firearm drills. Don't trust "blank" reloads and please DO NOT use live ammo for any other purpose but to shoot the gun. Your AD chance should be 0%.

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