KandosiiClandestine 12 Oct 2020

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Conservative Environmentalist

In General

I’m just glad to not have to be on YouTube anymore.


Why arent you a conservative american environmentalist?

Do you think loving God means destroying and contempting His green Earth?

Do you really believe that loving the earth and being clean means that you have to swallow a crazy person blue pill at the same time? Come on. You can think conservative and be environmental too. But it will be a different flavor of environmentalism than anyone has experienced.

We need to stop finding ways on Prager U to explain why we need to throw up our hands and shoulders and not deal with it, just get rid of liberal environmentalism and thats it, job accomplished! But no, we need conservative environmentalism to replace the liberal one. The false beliefs and craziness of the left is not part and parcel of caring for the earth, we can care for it in a new good way.

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