21 Sep 2020
CZ P01 Omega (Cajunized) vs Wilson EDC X9
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We put a $600 CZ P01 up against a $2,900 Wilson EDC X9. (Okay, the CS is closer to $900 with the Cajun kit installed.) Why? Because they have much in common - they are all metal guns that are very close in loaded weight and size, each holds 15 rounds in the magazine, and both can be carried cocked and locked. Can a P01 with a Cajun Gun Works trigger hold its own against the Wilson?
Website: www.riders-range.com
Contact: [email protected]
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Nice comparison. I have the CZ P01 (not Omega) with the CGW pro package. One of the most comfortable grips and a great trigger. I did just purchase the Staccato C2 DPO with the DPP red dot, and now it is my new favorite. Of course the cost of the Staccato was 3X the cost of the CZ.