Suppressed Nation
Suppressed Nation 04 Jan 2020

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Dead Air Wolfman

In General

We had the opportunity to spend the morning with Tim Orrock , The South Eastern Sales Manager of Dead Air Silencers, on the range at a machine gun shoot here in Virginia this morning. Tim was kind enough to demo the new Wolfman that neither Joey nor myself had shot yet. We also got a chance to use the new KeyMicro adapter that allows you to use the Wolfman on centerfire caliber rifles! Tim had the full Dead Air Silencer lineup out so of course we got to put some rounds in the dirt! Could you ask for a better way to kick off the New Year! We hope you enjoy the video! All Dead Air parts and accessories can be found at our friends Hansohn Brothers.

At 2:26 full length flash hider for wolfman not muzzle break
At 2:58 full length flash hider
Also know that the full length flash hider can only be used with the Wolfman not the Ghost or Wolf-9SD‼️
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