Defending the 2A in AZ with Michael Gibbs - GunFreedomRadio EP 467
Our guest today is Michael Gibbs. Michael is the President of AzCDL and a registered lobbyist for the organization, as well as the Arizona Director of the Tenth Amendment Center.
1) Tell our audience about the AzCDL and the work you do as the President of this organization.
2) This is an election year, so we are hearing the Presidential Candidates talk about gun rights and what they will do from Federal level. The AzCDL is non-partisan, but what is important for us to know about the choices we have before us at the ballot box.
3) AzCDL is a state-level organization. The Bill of Rights is a Federal Document. How does AzCDL impact and protect the rights of the citizens of your state?
4) The AzCDL has their Annual Meeting coming up. Tell us about that, and what attendees can expect at the event.
Originally Aired 9.26.24