NC Gun Guy
13 Sep 2020
Dillon XL750 follow up video and first ammo run
In General
[email protected]
Finally got the Dillon XL 750 press up and running. Took some doing to work out the bugs. Runs like a champ now. Test fired some of the first run of 9 mm ammo I loaded on it.
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Pretty cool. Dillons are nice for pistol ammo so long as the powder charges are consistent (LOL). Well, as consistent as possible. Tongue in cheek. Nice customer service. You know I use a Lee Turret. Looks like your loads ran just fine. Thanks for sharing.
I prefer the hornady iron press. I think it makes higher quality cartridges.
Dillion precision is popular with many workers for its production. I and many other would prefer single stage and put in the time to get a reasoble volume. Higher volume requires more workers and the Dillion is normally after a factory is set up with numerous single stage press tools. The increase in production is after production reaches a high level only increased be even. M Ore men.
The efficiency and speed compliment higher volume factory set ups that can support a fighting force.
I need one, Truly! Great to see you back on the big screen also. Peace To All!