ILya Koshkin
ILya Koshkin 24 Sep 2020

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DLO First Look: SwampFox TriHawk 3x Prismatic Scope

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Here is a first look at SwampFox's TriHawk 3x prismatic scope.
It is an interesting design weighing in about a pound with the mount included and delivering full 10 degree FOV. For comparison, the smaller Elcan ATOS 3x has 6 deg FOV, Trijicon 3x30 ACOG has 3.7 deg FOV and Trijicon 3x24 Compact ACOG has 4.9 deg FOV.

I think this is the widest FOV 3x prismatic I have seen to date.

The huge sight picture of this scope is something to behold.


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