KandosiiClandestine 30 May 2020

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Don’t go beyond what God has said: Tanakh, Being Jewish, Kosher, Obeying God, Jesus

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I’m just glad to not have to be on YouTube anymore.


If God says do not eat from a tree, He did not say “and don’t even touch it!”

If God says to Israel, “do not eat pork,” well great. But God did *not* say “and don’t even touch it!”

God has provided the methods to regain cleanness, and using God’s word alone, cleanness is not an inhibitor of prayer but only of direct usage of the temple or tabernacle. David can be unclean in the wild open field running from Saul and that does not inhibit his walk with The Lord. But if David tried to go meet God at the tabernacle or do other similar direct ritual encounters with God in His temple presence, then that would be a problem. But david did not do that and neither do any people right now. When God has the temple rebuilt, then cleanness will be an issue for those who are heading to the temple. It is not a day-to-day issue that inhibits you from having a relationship with God. And if you need to eat and want to avoid even dust from the animal you are trying to avoid then there are rituals and methods in the Bible that are provided by God to help you get cleanness again. So God has given you what you need. But did *GOD* tell you to worry about that level avoidance of even the dust and incidental contact of the animal or just to not eat the meat???? Or is that Adam saying to you “and don’t even touch it???”

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