Enrique Sonora
Enrique Sonora 06 Jan 2019

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Eaglewatcher shooting our AR-15.mov

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This an old video but always a good one. Boys don't need video games, they have their Father's AR-15 to shoot. Eaglewatcher my son, enjoys shooting our rifle.
Just enjoying a day at the range.

This vid is just a snap-shot of three hours of shooting at 3-points Tucson Rifle Club range. We tested out our new Ruger LC9 comparing it to my Kel-tec PF9 and a review vid coming soon. Also, we shot our Sig Sauer P250 and Glock 27. We shot our Marlin 60, however the bolt latch is jammed open?

Thanks for watching and stay in touch.

ccmixture: Origins by Pitx

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 6 years ago

Yee haw, Lol good shooting young man.

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