NicTaylor00 17 May 2018

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Easiest, Least Expensive AR15 Trigger Job Ever!

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See Our Website for This Reduced Hammer Spring and more:

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Poor Man's Trigger Job:

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One of the easiest and least expensive ways to reduce the weight of the trigger on your AR15 rifle is to replace the stock hammer spring with a Reduced Power Spring. All you need is a punch or hex wrench small enough in diameter to push out the hammer pin located in your AR15 lower. Once you push out the hammer pin, the hammer and spring can be removed from the lower. Take note of the orientation of the spring as it sits on the hammer so that you can install the new spring in the same position.

Simply pull the spring off the hammer by grabbing one of the coils and pull. Install the Reduced Power Spring onto the hammer and reinsert the hammer/spring into the lower while pushing the hammer pin back into place through the lower. Be careful not to force the pin as you attempt to push it through the lower. Remember the lower is aluminum and the pin is steel, so forcibly hitting the pin or pushing harshly it may cause damage to your lower if all is not lined up perfectly.

In our testing we were able to reduce the trigger pull weight by 3 pounds. Our stock trigger was measuring 7 pounds with the mil-spec hammer spring found in all Lower Parts Kits (LPK). Once we installed the Reduced Power Spring, our same trigger measured 4 pounds of pull. This is a considerable amount of reduction for such a low price. Most match triggers run well over $100. Granted, this spring does nothing to reduce the creep or "grittiness" of your stock trigger like the drop-in match triggers do, but you can come close with the additional Adjustment Grip Screw Kit. For those not wanting to spend alot of money on an expensive trigger for their rifle or carbine, the Adjustment Screw and Reduced Power Hammer Spring Kit is the way to go.

Application: The Reduced Power Hammer Spring is intended for competition and recreational use only and should not be installed in any rifle used for defense or duty applications. By reducing the spring tension, the introduction of light strikes or failures to fire due to the lack of primer detonation may occur in ammunition with hard primers.

Music by TeknoAXE, "Cover Blown"

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