Cav Trooper 19D
Cav Trooper 19D 23 Mar 2019

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East German DDR AK47 MPi-KM , N marked and K marked AK rear sight. What each letter means

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To inform AK enthusiasts on what the East German or DDR "N" marked 800 meter rear MPi-KM AK47 sight stands for. As well as inform what the "K" marked 1000 meter rear AK sight represents.

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Squib 4 years ago

Hey man, WTF!?! I thought I was subbed to you on Gunstreamer. Maybe the YT bots got over here and unsubbed me. I'll have to fix that.

We all kinda thought the parts kits (and everything else) would be around forever, because they had been around forever. All the new guys buying everything up.

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