NOCFirearmsChannel 20 Aug 2019

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Fatherhood: Pour into Yourself

In General

This is not a video that had the cool edits or was even planned. I'm just skimming the surface, but these are the conversations we should be having about Fathers, Father Figures, Uncles, Brothers , etc. You do so much, get pulled a million different directions, have multiple people relying on you, and you never really take care of yourself; It's important we change that!

Men wait till they are in their 40s and 50s and just give up. So many years of pressure and stress that we managed wrong. We are taught not to have emotions, be tough, provide and protect, MAN UP!!! That's all good in healthy doses but there also needs to be a balance.

Just give a listen and please start to invest in yourself. Ask those around you for help. Learn what your love language is. Explore relaxing hobbies and other things that recharge you. Take care of you as well, so we can take better care of all those depending on us.

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