UnkleMike5012 Bryant
UnkleMike5012 Bryant 26 Sep 2019

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Feyachi RS-30 Reflex PREVIEW

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PREVIEW: Feyachi RS-30 Reflex
Okay for astigmatism?

I had a budget holographic "reflex" sight once. I sold it with the 10/22 when we were navigating disability/bankruptcy and never had a chance to use it.

I've since learned that budget red dots won't ever be clear for me, with my astigmatism. So I've avoided projected light sights for more expensive prism scopes, but I always thought maybe I remembered that old reflex sight being clear.

We live on a tight budget, so dropping money on a new reflex sight, just to see if it's horrible, wasn't a priority, but when Feyachi offered to let me review their RS-30 Reflex, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to know for sure.

Full review inbound, but I will tell you this:

Unless I ramp up to 70%+ brightness, I CAN SEE THESE RETICLES CLEARLY with my astigmatism!

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