NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 11 Feb 2019

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Firing the Durablued Star BM, finally!

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[email protected]

Finally firing the Durablued Star BM. Had some issues. Jammed badly after about 20 rounds. Problem with recoil spring and guide rod. Took a while to get it apart. Issue resolved still don’t know what it was. Magic I guess. Fired another 50 plus rounds then decided to make video. Better late than never I guess.

Thanks for watching.

UPDATE 2/24/19
Put about 150 rounds through it. The reason it was all over the place in the first part was the reloads I was using not the gun. Shot more of them and it was terrible. Changed to a different load and it ran great and very accurate. 2 1/2” group at 7 yards.

Thanks again.

[email protected]

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Guillermo Perez
Guillermo Perez 5 years ago

Do you have higher quality videos of this? I can hardly see the finish of the pistol because its streaming at 270P.

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NC Gun Guy
NC Gun Guy 5 years ago

Sorry, good as it gets. My equipment is very basic.

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