Rob Pincus
Rob Pincus 13 Oct 2021

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Freedom isn't Safe, Rob Pincus at DFAS 2021

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Rob Pincus was a speaker at the 2021 Defending Freedom Action Summit, the title of his speech was "Freedom isn't Safe".

Freedom involves risk. Our responsibility is to mitigate those risks as we exercise our freedoms, not to hide from them and fail to be truly free.

As a gun rights advocacy, Pincus spends a great deal of time speaking to gun owners about responsibility and those who are outside of the gun community about gun ownership. He serves as the Executive VP of, a non profit focused on grassroots activity that promotes & defends responsible gun ownership and use. In this speech, however, he focused on how we have a responsibility to exercise our right to Speak Freely, and accept the risks of allowing others to do so as well.

"Safe spaces", "echo chambers" and "cancel culture" all work against Free Speech, as they discourage dialogue. They discourage discussion. They discourage exchange of ideas.

Freedom isn't safe, physically or philosophically. We must be brave enough to be wrong, to lose a debate or lose an election if we are going to be free.

#dfas2021 #defendingfreedom #freedomisntsafe

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