Glock 48: 1000 Rounds in 1 Hour!
The Glock 48 was released this January prior to shot show and hit dealer shelves the day before. With their 10 round standard capacity and thin width a lot of people are predicting that the Glock 43x and Glock 48 will be extremely popular among concealed carriers. Will it be the great EDC gun that many are thinking it will? The longer slide on the Glock 48 in theory will give it an advantage over the shorter slides on the Glock 43 and 43x. After shooting 1000 rounds through both guns in one hour the 48 was definitely more please to shoot and seemed to get more hits when shooting it at 25 yards. Will the gun be as reliable as it is pleasant to shoot? Will it be your next concealed carry handgun?
A big thanks to Lynx Defense for hosting us!