shooter1721 29 Feb 2016

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Golf Ball Cannon - 34″ Barrel Golf Ball Bore Cannon

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Golf Ball Cannon - Black Powder

Watch the Shooter1721 team shoot there new cannon from Peaceful Valley Arms!

Head on over to check out their website at and tell them we sent you!

34″ Barrel Golf Ball Bore Cannon
34″ Barrel
24″ Wheels
42″ Trail

They take 700 grains of black powder

Note: All cannons include a ram rod/swab and a powder measure. Never use smokeless powder!

PA residents will be charged 6% Sales Tax at checkout.

Available in various stains, Army OD Green and Confederate Gray (shown below).

Peaceful Valley Arms is situated in a small valley outside of Rossiter, PA, which is located near the historic town of Peaceful Valley ArmsPunxsutawney, PA. The small business started in December of 2013 with making a couple of smaller bored all steel cannon barrels and working thru the painstaking process of designing a carriage. Many many attempts at producing different ideas and processes that finally developed into what is the existing cannon of today within our shop is what our customers love.

We came from .735 diameter bore barrels to Golf Ball Bore and 2 inch Bore, and also Soda Can Bore. Peaceful Valley Arms can also produce larger bore cannon and large as life sized barrels.

Soon we will be expanding into a small, but larger than what we have now, factory with a show room and will have an FFL in place and provide a full service retail gun shop.

If you would like to learn more about our company, or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Peaceful Valley Arms
389 Johnsonburg Rd
Rossiter, PA 15772
Phone: 1-814-952-7071

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