GunFreedomRadio 28 Aug 2019

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Gun Freedom Radio Interview with Alex Lanshe, The Warrior Millennial

In General

Alexander Lanshe, The Warrior Millennial, is the Amazon-Published author of Warrior Attitude: 21 Ways to Think and Act Like a Warrior that Will Transform Your Outlook on Life, and Anatomy of a Warrior: The 7 Virtues all Warriors Must Live by to Successfully Protect and Serve; Foreword by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and Afterword by Gavin de Becker.
Alexander grew up in Akron, OH as the oldest of 7 in a traditional Catholic family. He graduated Magna cum laude from the University of Akron with degrees in Exercise Science and Philosophy.
Alexander is a national speaker, founder of, host of The Anatomy of a Warrior Show Podcast, enjoys playing sand volleyball with his family, and is an avid reader of J.R.R. Tolkien.
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