Milsurp_Garage 09 Feb 2020

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Sponsored by who made the centerfire brass snap caps featured in my videos. Use promo code milsurpgarage at checkout for 10% off and free shipping. Enjoy!

Welcome to our newest episode of Headliners & Nosehairs. Thanks for tuning in......

Only old candidate was a 1927 vintage Winchester 1907 in .351 but the extensively wood repaired fore end was not in line with the price of $800. I KNOW they all have those issues but do I really need to get T.C Johnsoned again? The 1903 turned out to be a tight enough road to make a u-turn in, I didn't feel the need to drive into another.

Only NEW candidate was a Glock 21 Gen 4 NIB with everything including the backstraps and an extra magazine......for half that. For that price I could not say no.....

Stay tuned!

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