GunFreedomRadio 23 Jun 2020

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GunFreedomRadio EP215 Support Your Local Sheriff with Jerry Sheridan

In General

Our guest today is Jerry Sheridan. Jerry is a 2020 candidate for Maricopa County Sheriff.

Jerry has previously served as the Chief Deputy of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, which is the 4th largest Sheriff’s Office in the Nation. His career spans forty years at the MCSO where he began as a volunteer and, using his training, education and experience, earned the highest rank, just under the Sheriff.

Jerry is a Constitutional Conservative Republican, and understands that the role of Sheriff is to serve the People in protecting the Constitution, people’s liberties, and gun rights.

Now, instead of reporting to the sheriff Jerry’s goal is to be elected as Sheriff and report directly to the people of Maricopa County.

1. Jerry, as we sit in the studio on, Monday, June 15, 2020 is it a rough time in the US for any law enforcement officer. There are SOME individuals who wear the uniform and do horrible things regardless of their oath to Serve. Citizens around the nation are frightened, hurting, and angry. And Law Enforcement Officers have to be demoralized, and frankly, afraid to do the job they swore an oath to do. Leadership will make all the difference in how we, as a Nation, navigate times like these. Talk to us about these extraordinary times.

2. Many people don’t realize that Sheriff is elected office. How does that impact the relationship between the Officers of the MCSO and the People they serve?

3. You describe yourself as a Constitutional Conservative Republican. Why is that important for an elected sheriff?

4. Why is the 2nd Amendment so important to you?

5. The person perhaps most well-known for holding the office you are seeking election to is Joe Arpaio – known for building Tent City as housing for inmates and including Pink Boxer Underwear in the inmates’ uniforms. Those are some big (and controversial) shoes to fill. Do different times call for different tactics? Who are you competing with for the Office of Sheriff? And why do you think you are the most qualified person to be elected sheriff?

6. What was the hardest lesson learned in your 40 years with MCSO?

7. What is the first thing on your agenda once you take office as the new sheriff?

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